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0121 769 2833Opening Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri

The fundamental purpose of Enviro is to provide clean, safe services that help protect and improve the environment.
Description of Business. Our service provides a broad range of Environmental Services to industry, Local Authorities and State/Semi-State Companies.

These services include: Demolition, Buyers of contaminated land, Ship recycling, Asbestos removal, Plant decommissioning, Factory clearance, Environmental services


Enviro Metal Trading is aware on the vulnerability of the Environment and endeavours to ensure the protection of the Environment in all its activities and to promote good environmental practices to its Clients.

Environmental Management

We recognise the need for sustainable development and we aim to continually improve the environmental effect of our activities.

  • Meeting or exceeding relvant legislative, regulatory and environmental codes of practice including ISO 14001.
  • Developing a relationship with suppliers and contractors so that we all recognise our environmental responsibilities.
  • Educating staff so that they carry out their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Promoting an appreciation of the company’s environmental performance among customer, employees and the general public.

Providing for the effective use of resources by:

Advising customers on the efficient use of energy and other utilities.
Promoting waste aviodance, minimisation, re-use and recycling.
Promoting the efficient use of resources, energy and fuel throughout the company’s operations.

Co-Operating with

  • The communities in which we operate.
  • Customers
  • The government, regulatory bodies and other interested parties with the shared vision of being a good and trusted neighbour.